VSAC will take place Aug 24-26, at University of Cyprus., 75 Kallipoleos street, 1678 Nicosia. You con download maps in high resolutions for directions and for rooms here.
Public transport information within Nicosia can be found here.
There are several taxi cab services available, including Taxi Cab Nicosia (+357 99 755334) and Orfanou Transfers (+357 22 511511).
For those attending ECVP afterward, there is an Intercity bus system connecting Nicosia and Paphos. Further information is available here. The link to the website of the Paphos Transportation Organization is https://www.pafosbuses.com/.
On Sunday at 10:00 sharp *by reservation* you can also take our charter bus from Nicosia, Solomou Square (main bus terminal), to Paphos, Aliathon Hotel (ECVP venue). If you did not reserve a seat on the bus when you filled out the Presence Survey, please email vsac2023@gmail.com to ask about reserving a seat.